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Book Cover of Student-Focused Coaching

"Student-Focused Coaching is an invaluable guide and has directly impacted our collaboration with teachers nationwide. This practical model emphasizes the importance of maximizing teacher knowledge and efficacy and engages educators in collaborative problem-solving to prevent future challenges. In gathering feedback, we've learned that teachers and coaches are applying the student-focused approach to goal setting and instruction within their classroom setting. They also love the opportunity to learn with and from their colleagues. Thank you for providing such clear guidance on the many layers of effective coaching!" AIM Institute for Learning & Research (Pennsylvania)







Reading Road Trip

Podcast Title: Literacy Coaching and Professional Learning  

link to Reading Road Trip podcast: Literacy Coaching and Professional Learning
Coaching Conversations with Jim Knight

Coaching Conversations with Jim Knight

Podcast Title: Daryl Michel and Jan Hasbrouk


Learning MATTERS: Carla Chit-Chats with Daryl Michel (Download the discussion sheet HERE)


The invisible leader: Facilitation in Lesson Study - article by John Paul Mynott and Daryl Michel

Published in the Educational Process International Journal September 30, 2022


Implementing the Science of Reading: How School Leaders Can Support Instructional Change - Discover how professional learning can help educators unlock the power of the Science of Reading. (Dr. Michel begins his presentation at 2:32 in the recording)

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What We Do

  • Implement content from the Student-Focused Coaching book.

  • Establish and maintain relationships by conversing with and learning from all stakeholder groups.

  • Learn about existing systemic practices by engaging with various stakeholder groups.

  • Implement a Collaborative Problem-Solving Process to define a problem based on student data/evidence, set and monitor goals, and decide on implementation action items.

SFC Collaborative Problem Solving Process (four phases) graphic
  • Develop and deliver differentiated, sustained professional learning experiences to meet diverse learner needs.

  • Respond to the unique needs of individuals whom we support.

  • Model research-validated, evidence-based routines and activities to guide organizational change.

  • Support the development and design of systems that connect and align standards, assessments, instruction, and intervention.

Sails Framework graphic

Upcoming Conference Presentations

February 12 - 14, 2025: Plain Talk for Learning & Literacy (New Orleans, LA.)


Presentation Title: Instructional Leadership to Create the Conditions for System Success (Co-presenters: Dr. Daryl Michel & Dawn Brookhart); other TBD by Dr. Daryl Michel

February 24, 2025: Student-Focused Coaching: LaTrobe University (Melbourne, Australia)


Presentation Title: TBD

March 5, 2025: IMSE Literacy Summit (Virtual)


Presentation Title: Growing Collective Leadership: Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

March 6, 2025: Sacramento County Office of Education/Glean Education (Virtual)


Presentation Title: TBD

April 15, 2025: IMSE Webinar (Virtual)


Presentation Title: Instructional Leadership Through Student-Focused Coaching: Creating the Conditions for System Success, new book by Dr. Daryl Michel and Dawn Brookhart

May 2 - 4, 2025: Alaska DEED Symposium (Anchorage, AK.)


Presentation Title: TBD

June 12, 2025: Ohio Literacy Convening (Columbus, OH.)


Presentation Title: TBD

June 16, 2025: California Literacy Conference (Virtual)


Presentation Title: TBD

June 17 - 18, 2025:Rollins Center LitLink Conference (Atlanta,GA.)


Presentation Title: TBD

July 23 - 24, 2025: Texas Reading Initiative Conference: Region 3 Education Service Center (Victoria, TX.)


Presentation Title: Academic Vocabulary and Metacognitive Conversations

July 30, 2025: Region 20 TRI Summer Conference (San Antonio, TX.)


Presentation Title: TBD

July 30, 2025: Region 20 TRI Summer Conference (San Antonio, TX.)


Presentation Title: TBD

August 21-22, 2025: Learning Matters Literacy Symposium (Auckland, New Zealand)


Presentation Title: Cultivating the Literacy Landscape

Conference Crowd

Select International and National Conference Presentations

Leaders Enabling Teachers to Talk Through the Construction of Strategic Coherence. World Association of Lesson Study Conference, Zwolie, The Netherlands.


But You Heard the Student and Peer Collegue Reactions: Why Return to Status Quo? World Association of Lesson Study Conference, Zwolie, The Netherlands.

Improving Literacy Instruction to Enhance Student Learning: A Student-Focused Coaching Approach. Teaching Learning Coaching Conference, Orlando.

Turning to One Another: Examining How We Communicate with Others. The Big Sky Literacy Summit, Montana.

Making Your Thinking Visible Through Oral and Written Expression: The Power of Metacognitive Conversations.  The Big Sky Literacy Summit, Montana.

The Power of Sustained Professional Learning to Enhance Student Growth: Focus, Focus, Focus.  Plain Talk for Literacy and Learning, New Orleans.

Enhancing Student Literacy Learning: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Conference on English Leadership, Anaheim.

Using Student Data to Unite Teams: A Collaborative Problem-Solving Process. Texas Assessment Conference, Austin.

Cooperation to Collaboration: Focus on the Student Lens. Teaching Learning Coaching Conference, San Antonio.

Engaging with Colleagues in Recurring Lesson Study Cycles: The Promise When Learning Together. World Association of Lesson Studies: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Invisible Leader: Facilitation in Lesson Study. World Association of Lesson Studies: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Curriculum Development in a Magnet School: The Journey in Galveston ISD. Magnet Schools of America: Las Vegas.

Supporting Student Success Through Teacher Collaboration.  Plain Talk for Literacy and Learning: New Orleans.

The Power and Promise of a Learning Community: Better When Working Together. World Association of Lesson Study: Hong Kong/Macau (virtual).

Student-Focused Coaching: Guiding and Supporting STREAM Implementation. World Association of Lesson Study: Hong King/Macau (virtual).

Student-Focused Coaching: Supporting Student Success Through Teacher Collaboration. Teaching Learning Coaching Conference: Phoenix (virtual).

Personal Reading History: Cultivating Your Students' Identities as Readers. Arizona Department of Education HOPE Conference: Tucson (virtual).

Coaching and/or Mentoring and Impact on Enhancing Student Learning. Cambodia International Conference on Mentoring Educators: Phnom Pehn, Cambodia (virtual).

Maximizing Teacher Knowledge and Skills to Impact Student Learning: Research-based Unit Design and Lesson Planning in Magnet Schools. Magnet Schools of America National Conference: Las Vegas (virtual).

Maximizing Teacher Knowledge and Skills to Impact Student Learning: Redesigning Lesson Planning. International Lesson Study Seminar in Mathematics Education: Brazil (virtual).

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Be A Change, LLC - Many Individuals. Infinite Possibilities.

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